our background

PT Jafa Palma Indonesia is located in the Cirebon Regency area precisely on Jalan Raya Cirebon to Bandung Km 20.2, Gempol District, West Palimanan, Cirebon Regency.

PT Jafa Palma Indonesia is a company engaged in manufacturing the manufacture of charcoal from coconut shells, which can produce economical and environmentally friendly ingredients.

PT Jafa Palma Indonesia has produced a variety of well-known brands spread across Asia, the Middle East, Europe and America.

About Our Production & Quality

High-volume manufacturing processes enable manufacturers to produce goods faster, in the same time we are producing high quality products. During the production,It is important to know that oxygen could destroy shells if the air will not be limited. It should be used clean, fully dried and mature shells in order to get high quality charcoal.

So we are checking our production from the beginning until the end to obtain a good quality product.

Marketing studies have proved again and again that high-quality brands will obtain more repeat purchases. Quality is what a product can do for a customer. So Our no.1 aim is the quality, not the quantity.